Jose Duarte

Data Scientist with specialization in Financial Topics | México City | CIMAT


Master in Data Science at Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas A.C.

Bachelor in Finance at Escuela Bancaria y Comercial S.C.

Web Development Bootcamp Graduate at Ironhack

Hi! I’m José, a Data Scientist from México and this is my personal website. From time to time, I post about finance related topics in Data Science, hints and info that has been useful or interesting to me. I’m currently working in my master thesis about applying Machine Learning methods to directly and indirectly (e.g. improving correlation estimates between assets) improve risk diversification in financial portfolios.

I’m also very intrested in other topics like time series forecasting and graph theory, love anime and try to meditate daily (to know more about fukan zazengi, the type of meditation that I practice, check out this excelent book from Gudo Nishijima here) for at least 30 minutes! Make sure to take a look at my project section in this website, I have a couple of available packages that may be of utility to you if you work with financial related data.

Feel free to contact me. You can also find my CV here.